The Question.

How do we improve the customer experience when booking shipments?

One of the biggest challenges with customers when booking shipments is the differing levels of skill. Some people book hundreds of shipments a week with and are constantly comparing rates; others are mom and pop shops who maybe ship a pallet a year.

Shipper changes the game for experienced and novice shippers providing a robust interface to make it seamless to manage and ship an item or hundreds of items and books hundreds of shipments.

Case Study



The goal was to identify usability problems and to collect quantitative and qualitative data on the participant’s performance. We conducted in-person moderated studies where participants are co-located with the facilitator who will dig into the actions of the participant to uncover problems. The facilitators and observers are passive and use open-ended questioning to avoid bias. Since users cannot self diagnose problems or issues, data is collected about what users do and say. Participants are encouraged to think aloud. Data gathered is synthesized and conclusions are drawn to inform the future design.



We had 11 participants in our usability case study that were given different prototypes to test. We measured percent success which was determined by the participant completing the task without intervention. We also measured time-on-task which timed the participant from beginning to end. The participant was then given a Single Ease Question (SEQ) and also a System Usability Scores (SUS) at the end of all the tasks.


Example Task.

Scenario: You oversee booking shipments with the lowest rates for Big Green LLC. You have been alerted that there is a shipment needing to be scheduled.

Task: Schedule the 37,850lb shipment with the lowest rate for pickup on 3/12/2019 and delivery no later than 3/16/2019 with the following information — the pickup location and the delivery location where provided.


User Quotes.

“Yes, notifications. I want to know about delays.”
“I want to be double-damn sure it is correct before I finalize.”
“It has way more of an E-comm feel than before. I like it.”



Consistency and standards: users should not have to wonder whether different words, situations, or actions mean the same thing. Don’t prioritize efficiency over expectations. The user should not have to remember information from one part of the dialogue to another.




From booking shipments to making dashboards and landing pages. There was never a short supply of case-studies, usability studies, competitive application analysis, and prototypes. Below are several examples across a number of workflows that required a lot of behind the scenes meetings, product planning, UX collaboration, and research.



Here is a workflow for booking a shipment. Select the type of shipment and then follow through the stepper until you reach the confirmation page.



These powerful dashboards gave a variety of users high-level information when they needed it. This helped many shippers make informed decisions about booking shipments as well as powerful insights into the market.


Home Page.

This was a concept for a home page after we started receiving several complaints about the complexity and fear of falling behind our competitors.

Shipper Mobile

Seemless transition.

Taking the beautiful desktop experience and translating it to a powerful mobile application with detailed insights, and packed features to help the users save time were a few of the aspects that made researching, designing, and building this application so much fun.

Mobile Dashboard

Get an overview of your current shipments at a glance. Click the tile to jump in and see the shipments that fall under each status.


Receive alerts about everything related to your shipments: delays, deliveries, defects, status updates, and much more. Accessing up-to-date information is critical to thousands of shippers.

Manage Payment

Gone are the days of having to punch in company credit cards to purchase shipments every time. Save and manage your payment methods.


Meet Silas. Your new personal assistant. Ask Silas anything about your shipments, market trends, and everything in-between.

Fast and Simple

Silas makes staying on top of everything seamless for everyone, from shippers to warehouse managers.


Seeing 2020 in 20/20.

A New Business.

I pitched the idea for Vision to the C Suite which was an awesome opportunity. Vision is a shipment tracking manager for consumers and businesses. Tapping into the APIs of UPS, FedEx, USPS, ABF, and so forth Vision would be able to send updates to anyone who is tracking a shipment. Just punch your tracking number or add your email account and Vision will automatically update the tracking information.

Manage Shipments

View all of your shipments at a glance to stay updated with where your shipments are at. Whether you purchased from Amazon or Tesla, Vision is here to help you track.

History View

View the history of your shipments and the progress it has made getting to you. Depending on the status of the shipment, you can update the delivery address, add delivery times, or even cancel the shipment.



Lottie Animations.

One of the coolest items I brought to Shipper was introducing Lottie Animations to our applications. This gave them a really thoughtful and fun experience for our users — it just made the applications feel even more polished.


Component Library.

Helping build, design, and contribute to the design system / component library used across a variety of applications made me grow exponentially as a designer. I was required to consider and research multiple applications that used a singular component and then define the implications / benefits of designing a component in a certain way.


Maps and Mobile.

I pioneered mapping standards and the mobile component library and style guide. Being passionate about mobile applications and providing an amazing user experience was something I was proud to spearhead. Mapping is one of those things that was fun because of how challenging it was. There are so many use cases and odd edge cases do to customer and business restrictions. It made for a really fun and collaborative experience between designers, developers, and the business.

🔥 Designed and coded by me © 2024